"Rio" A Parsons WoodWorking Commision
This was a particularly tricky piece as there was plenty of opportunity for chipping around the horse head. I really enjoyed the...

Wilson Woodworking Commision
This was a particularly challenging piece I did which took 46.5 hours to complete. It is quite stunning in real life as the photographs...

My latest Work: Celebrating 175th Relief Society Anniversery
My latest and greatest wood work so far was for the 175th Anniversary of the Relief Society. When I showed up to church there was a party...

Designed and Ordered my T-shirt & business cards.
I literally was up all Friday night working on the design. Utterly exhausted still from all that work!

Finished Ashlynss Boswel piece
Finished Ashlyn's Boswell piece barely in the nick of time before church started. Not I get to present 2 works of wood art at once! 2...

Finished the Cox's piece
I finished the Cox's piece and boy does this thing pop!

Christensen piece completed.
I finished the Christensen piece and presented it to them. What a stunning peice that just pops and is super clean! #photo